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Warranty conditions for our Turbo-Total turbochargers

Independent of the statutory warranty claims, we grant a voluntary three-year guarantee on our Turbo-Total performance turbochargers. This guarantee covers material and manufacturing defects. The statutory rights of the consumer (“guarantee”) remain unaffected by this guarantee.

1. Start of the guarantee:

The guarantee takes effect from the date of purchase.

2. Exclusion of the guarantee:

The guarantee is void in the event of improper use and in particular in the following cases:

  • Improper installation or maintenance.
  • Opening the turbocharger or removing seals.
  • Incorrect tuning of the engine, e.g. B. due to excessive boost pressure or excessive exhaust gas temperature.
  • Use of unsuitable or incorrect lubricants.
  • Damage caused by the ingress of foreign bodies.
  • Leaks in the boost pressure system.
  • Impurities in the oil.
  • Clogged engine ventilation.
  • Increased exhaust back pressure.
  • Inadequate dimensioning of the intake or other components.
  • Theft, accidents or flooding.
  • Exceeding the maximum permissible turbo speed.

3. Warranty service:

In the event of a warranty claim, we have the right to either replace or repair the defective part. Claims beyond the repair will not be granted. Claims by the guarantee holder due to intentional or grossly negligent conduct on our part, our vicarious agents or legal representatives as well as claims due to injury to life, body or health remain unaffected.

4. No transfer of the guarantee:

The guarantee applies exclusively to the first purchaser. In particular, it does not apply in the event of resale or gifting.

5. Notification and processing of the guarantee claim:

  • Material and manufacturing defects that are covered by the guarantee must be reported within the guarantee period. The guarantee claim must be reported in writing (e.g. by letter, fax, email) within one month of its occurrence. The receipt of the notification by us is decisive for compliance with the deadline.
  • If the repair or replacement is covered by the guarantee, the customer bears the costs of shipping to the guarantor and back.
  • In the event of a fault not covered by the guarantee, the guarantee holder bears the costs of the repair. In this case, we will inform the guarantee holder and provide a cost estimate for the repair. The repair will only be carried out with the express consent of the guarantee holder.