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Longacre Air Pressure Gauges

Air Pressure Gauges

Tire pressure is an important parameter of your car, not only in motor racing. An incorrect tire pressure can quickly negatively affect safety or lead to serious problems. Tire pressure that is too low results in a longer braking distance, and handlingin the event of aquaplaning deteriorates. The tire can quickly become too hot and deform if it has too little air. Too much air means a poorer grip and faster wear. On the other hand, a higher tire pressure can be useful: if you load your car chock-full, e.g. when traveling or transporting heavy objects.

In order for you not to lose sight of tire pressure, you get in our shop air gauges that allow for quick and easy measuring. We have the right device for every need. You can choose between angle chucks and ball valves, for example, or between digital and analog display.

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The Digital Tire Pressure Gauge from Formula One Racing

Our digital tire pressure gauge is the best digital tire pressure gauge on the market. It is Formula 1-tested and has become indispensable to many racing teams in the pit lane. The digital display is in bar or psi, with two decimal places. The maximum pressure is 3 bar or 40 psi. The gauge comes in the usual high quality in a case.

Temperature-compensated tire pressure gauge

The digital temperature-compensated tire pressure gauge by Longacre allows for the simultaneous measurement of tire pressure and tire temperature. The accuracy is 0.05 bar, so high precision measurements are possible with this device. You can have the results displayed in the metric system or in U.S. units. The illuminated display allows you to work in the dark.