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Fastening Material for Heat Protection Products

Fastening Material

In engine tuning, extreme temperatures are reached quickly. To protect the engine and its parts from this heat, it is worthwhile to use heat protection products such as thermal tape for heat protection or heat barriers. They must be installed with appropriately heat-resistant fastening material. This is why you will find in our shop among other things

  • stainless steel wrap ties
  • stainless steel hose clamps
  • header wrap ties
  • hi-temp spray adhesive
  • exhaust insulating header wrap and
  • safety wire pliers and safety wire.

Our heat protection accessories, like all our products, are absolutely high-quality and ideally suitable for motor sports.

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Stainless Steel Wrap Ties

Our stainless steel wrap ties are ideal for the installation of thermal tape for heat protection. With it, you attach the tape on the exhaust header, on the down pipe or on the exhaust system. You prevent awful engine damage owing to the heat protection. These heat-resistant locking ties are also used in industry. They are heat resistant for up to 700°C and have a tensile strength of up to 50 kg. The edges are rounded off.

From the Aviation Industry: Stainless Steel Safety Wire

Our tie wire, a special stainless steel safety wire made to aviation industry standard, is perfect as fastening material for heat protection products. It is extremely flexible and resistant to heat. Tie wire is also suitable for the sealing with lead and the locking of bolts, which must be secured against accidental loosening. For instance, in the oil pan or around the turbocharger.

For the safe handling of the tie wire, we recommend the safety wire pliers. With it, you easily bend the wire, quickly and safely.

Hi-Temp Spray Adhesive and Heat Protection Silicone Coating

The hi-temp spray adhesive by DEI is the right combination for our heat barriers. It sticks fast, dries quickly and can withstand a temperature of up to 71°C. It is very durable and forms a water-resistant adhesion.

The DEI heat protection silicone coating is ideally suited for waterproofing your thermal tape for heat protection. It protects the tape from friction and harmful liquids and thus extends its service life. Of course, you can also use the spray on individual engine components, for example on the engine block, the cylinder head and the starter. It bears up to 820°C (1500°F) and is available in black and silver.