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Additional Instruments and Displays

Gauges & Pods

The additional instruments and pods by NewSouth Performance allow you to mount displays behind the steering wheel, for example, which show you data for various parameters. This includes the speed, boost, gas pressure and so on. You get the pods that are exactly right for many different vehicles. They can be equipped with displays by Innovate, VDO or Racimex. NewSouth Performance pods have an original look thanks to their excellent finish. By mounting them directly behind the steering wheel, your eye is not distracted from the road.

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Boost Display by Racimex

Especially in engine tuning, the control of various pressures is a vital issue. If you want to keep the control over all values, an installation of appropriate displays is well worth it. Among our additional instruments, you can find the right displays.  The boost display by Racimex tells you the status of the charger. It is perfect for all G-Laders (G-superchargers) and turbo engines and comes with lighting, T-piece and connecting hose.

The All-Round Carefree Package: ECF-1 Ethanol & Air/Fuel Ratio Display by Innovate

The complete solution for keeping an eye on your entire fuel system: ethanol & air/fuel ratio display by Innovate. With it, you monitor the ethanol content in the fuel, the fuel temperature, fuel pressure and the air/fuel ratio.  The air/fuel sensor can be calibrated. This way, you can achieve an absolutely precise value. Thanks to the full programmable outputs on the PC, you can store the values.  The set includes the digital display, Bosch broadband fuel/air sensor, an ethanol sensor, wires and software CD.